Grant Ulysses Dawn was the son of Ferdinand Roscoe Dawn and Lucy Lula Miller. Brothers; Robert, Clarence, Curtis, and James.

Aviation Radioman Grant Ulysses Dawn was shipped aboard the USS Yorktown as a member of Bombing 3, a squadron of SBD Dauntless dive bombers. The Yorktown and her escorts were sent to intercept the Japanese invasion force. The battle of Midway began on 4 June 1942. The Yorktown was damaged by a bomb through the flight deck. Unable to land her planes due to the damage, the 3 SBD’s were diverted to the USS Enterprise, flying off on 5 June 1942 to intercept the Japanese carriers. The dive bomber piloted by Lt.jg Osborne Beeman Wiseman and carrying GunnerAR3c Dawn was shot down on this mission.

The Chattanooga Daily Times, March 8, 1943
Grant Ulysses Dawn, 19-year-old son of F.R. Dawn, Lenoir City, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross by President Roosevelt for heroic action in the Battle of Midway during June of 1942, the War Department said yesterday. Dawn is an aviation radioman, third class. His citation read: “For heroic achievement in aerial flight as gunner of an airplane of a bomber squadron in action against enemy Japanese forces in the Battle of Midway, June 4-6, 1942. While participating in dive-bombing attacks against enemy Japanese naval forces, he coolly disregarded the extreme danger from intense anti-aircraft fire and enemy fighter opposition, continued his resolute and persistent defense of his plane,  and thereby contributed materially to the success of our forces. His great courage and utter disregard for his own personal safety were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.”

He is remembered on the Tablets of the Missing, Honolulu Memorial Cemetery, Hawaii and was officially declared dead on 5 June 1943.

  • Rank: Aviation Radioman Third Class
  • Date of birth:
  • 14 July 1917
  • Date of death: 4 June 1942
  • County: Loudon
  • Hometown: Lenoir City
  • Service Branch: Navy
  • Division/Assignment: Bombing Squadron 3, 3rd Division
  • Theater: Pacific
  • Conflict: World War II
  • Battles: Battle of Midway
  • Awards: Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross
  • Burial/Memorial Location: Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Location In Memorial: Pillar XV, Top Panel
  • Sponsored by: John B. Romeiser

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